Throughout the Midwest and Northeast, dairymen are awaiting the opportunity to get their corn crop in the ground. Since corn silage makes up the bulk of dairy rations, it's essential to ensure that your...
Corn rootworm stands as one of the most expensive threats to U.S. crop farmers. The larvae gnaw on the roots of cornstalks, stunting plant growth and costing growers an estimated $1 to $2 billion per year
These tables compliment the article, "Economical substitutes exist for corn grain" which was printed in the March 25, 2015 issue of Hoard's Dairyman on page 218. Tables similar to that for protein were...
The nation's major dairy states led the pack for both corn silage and alfalfa forage harvest. Producers in Wisconsin put up 15.7 million tons of corn silage, while California stored 10.9 million tons of...
Make no bones about it; winter has arrived. The season's early onset, on the heels of a late growing season, has created its share of problems, as corn silage acres across the Midwest are left standing....
Across much of the U.S., corn silage harvest is slowly wrapping up. Poor weather conditions during last year's growing season left corn silage inventories tight for many producers. Due to this, there may...
This was the question posed to me a week ago by one of my customers as we considered an annual corn by-product feed purchase. He followed with the statement, "I guess I am greedy and want the bottom of...
by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor are predicting prices closer to the $4 mark . . . more on those predictions in a few paragraphs. In either case, dairy farm managers who have dealt with high commodity...
Reader Response: Corn waste biofuel study unfair It appears you were pretty narrow in your reporting of corn waste biofuel's impact on the environment. The research you shared isn't all that credible,...
It turns out biofuel made from the stalks, leaves and cobs left over after corn harvest may not be the cleaner-than-oil alternative it was thought to be. A study released last week in the Nature Climate...
Most by-product feed markets tend to track corn and soybean meal prices. Producers, therefore, saw little urgency to secure supplies as the price of corn fell during the summer months. But, while corn...
DDGS prices have actually gone up since last summer. If the price goes down for a commodity whose processing waste is a by-product feed for cows, then the price of that feed will go down too, right? So...
Hoard's Dairyman Webinar Archives December 9, 2013: "Growing high yield and high quality corn silage in the northern Corn Belt" presented by Joe Lauer, University of Wisconsin-Madison Brought to you by...
Plan ahead to maximize your crop's performance. Joe Lauer, University of Wisconsin, shared "Growing high yield and high quality corn silage in the northern Corn Belt" on the December 9 webinar, sponsored...
Dairy producers in the midst of the corn silage harvest from Wisconsin to New York all agree that the silage harvest is far exceeding last year's crop which was severely stricken by drought. However, in...
Analyst's forecast has grabbed a lot of attention, but we are wary. It's been just a year since corn prices spiked to over $7 per bushel, which is why this recent headline grabbed so much attention and...
What can you afford to pay for land rent and still be competitive? Margin management has become critical to farm success. "Keeping in mind feed market volatility, it looks like feed will be cheaper based...